Why is Tryndamere one of the most banned characters in League of Legends today?

League of Legends

Some players are wondering why one of the older champions is hated so much these days.

Tryndamere arrived on Summoner’s Rift on May 1, 2009, almost 13 years ago. He is one of the oldest characters in the game, and thus – most people know him very well, even if they have not had the opportunity to play him.

The champion has not received any significant changes in the recent past, and the last of them were bug fixes that were added to the game in updates 11.23, 11.16, and 11.5.

Then something else must have made the champion so much hated right now. And according to information on the internet – he is one of the most banned characters in the entire League of Legends. What is the reason for this?

What is the result of Tryndamere’s current strength?

The jump in pick rate, ban rate, or win rate usually results from the fact that a given hero receives smaller or bigger buffs or even a rework. This time, however, he didn’t, so some players are wondering what actually makes Trynamere hated by the community right now.

According to lolalytics.com, the champion is banned in an incredible number of games because his ban rate is over 30%. This makes the character jump to the podium of the most banned heroes in all League of Legends.

Why is it so? This was due to a few changes that have appeared in the game recently. It turns out that the current meta is very favorable to the mentioned hero.

  • The new objective bounty system rewards split pushing, which is a big advantage for the character.
  • Mythic item – Galeforce – gives him an additional cover and dash,
  • The Lethal Tempo rune gives him an additional attack speed in the early stages of the game.
  • Teleport nerfs mean that Tryndamere’s opponents have limited possibilities on the map,
  • The hero’s skill set is extremely simple, and therefore easy to master, so even novice players can be incredibly useful.

We can’t forget about the annoying ultimate – Undying Rage. It gives you temporary immortality, which as you know – allows you to survive even the most difficult battles. According to many players, Trinda’s ult is simply toxic and should be changed.

Some fans of the game say that the current problem of League of Legends is power creep. Heroes can eliminate themselves in fractions of a second, which sometimes precludes any reaction. In these cases, Tryndamere’s ult is downright perfect, as all you need to do is click one button to survive even the greatest amount of damage from multiple sources. After that, all you have to do is get to your opponent and kill him before he can perform his combo again.

The current meta is in favor of Tryndamere, so it’s no wonder the champion is spreading terror on Summoner’s Rift. According to many, it is safer to ban it and not worry about it getting out of control quickly.

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