Riot withdraws from two controversial decisions that could completely change LoL

League of Legends

Mythic content changes not coming to League of Legends.

The community was not quite pleased with the modernization of Mythic content in League of Legends. The developers decided to combine Prestige Points and Gems into one currency, and the Hextech Workshop skins and Prestige Editions will be available in the same store.

This, however, did not arouse much controversy. However, the information about 19,000 RP skins and the removal of Mythic content from crates and re-rolls did. After the huge opposition from the players, the developers withdraw from this decision.

There will be no skins for 19,000 RP

A few weeks ago, there was an important piece of news regarding the new Prestige Skins that quickly spread through the community. It turned out that the player will pay around $ 140 for one skin if they decide to get it on the first date with a frame and an icon.

Now the developers have informed the community that this is changing and it will be possible to buy unique skins for the ME right at their launch. This means that you will no longer have to spend huge amounts of money to get new content.

Mityczne skórki i akcesoria w mitycznym sklepie będą ulegać rotacji co 3 miesiące (czyli co 6 patchów). Na początku nowe mityczne skórki będą kosztować 100 ME, a potem ich cena wzrośnie do 125 ME. Klasyczne skórki mityczne, które można było kupić tylko dzięki Klejnotom (takie jak Hextechowa Annie, Vayne Złodziejka Dusz itp.) również będzie można kupić w sklepie za 100 ME za pierwszym razem i 125 ME w przyszłości.

Za pierwszym razem kosztować będą 100 ME, a następnie cena ich zakupu będzie wzrastać. Pierwszym skinem możliwym do kupienia w ten sposób będzie Rycerz Popiołów Pyke (100 ME).

Losowanie i wypadanie unikalnych skórek

Drugą kontrowersyjną zmianą było usunięcie Prestiżowych Edycji oraz tych dostępnych do tej pory w Warsztacie Hextech z puli re-rolla. Taka nowość wcale nie przypadła do gustu społeczności, która okrzyknęła Riot “łasym na kasę”.

Ostatecznie i z tej zmiany wycofano się dzień przed premierą nowego systemu. Chociaż nie będzie można ich zdobyć podczas premiery, to dostępne będą do re-rollowania i w dropach zaraz po wydarzeniu, kiedy zniknął ze sklepu. Oczywiście wersja ich będzie uboższa, bez ramki.

To highlight the release of new Mythic and Prestige skins, limited edition loading screen borders and summoner icons can now only be obtained by purchasing the skin in the Mythic Shop or event Token Shop during the skin’s initial debut period. Once a Mythic or Prestige skin is no longer available in these shops, it will be added to the regular loot drop and skin shard reroll pools without the limited edition loading screen border and summoner icon. This means that Mythic and Prestige skins can still be obtained via loot drops or skin rerolls but only AFTER their debut period ends, and WITHOUT their matching borders and icons.

While these changes are mentioned in the Patch Notes, it’s easy to overlook them. For this reason, KenAdamsNSA confirmed them on his Twitter account.

How do players feel about withdrawing from this decision? Rather, it should come as no surprise that the community is overwhelmingly satisfied. However, the fact that developers are trying to introduce such changes should be worrying, and if not for another strong objection, the additional content would become much more expensive in some time.

This shows that Riot Games is still taking the opinion of its fans extremely seriously, but is testing the ground for what it can do.

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