Riot officially confirms that it will be reworking two LoL champions. It will take several months

What characters will receive updates similar to the ones Ahri and Janna got?
League of Legends has been around for a long time. Thanks to regular updates, which not only introduce new heroes but also work on balance or improve older champions, the game is constantly enjoying great popularity. Older characters whose skill sets do not match today’s standards also receive adjustments from time to time to make playing with them more attractive.
Riot both completely transforms skillsets and character models in the VGU updates, but champions can also receive tweaks to their existing skills, such as Ahri and Janna. What heroes is Riot working on right now?
Who will get the rework next?
Riot August, Lead Character Designer for League of Legends, has informed fans about which champions are likely to receive similar fixes to those recently received by, for example, Ahri and Janna.
The employee also recalled the goal of such changes.
Other past mid-scope examples are Xin Zhao, Sona, and Lucian.
These changes attempt to revitalize characters that have lost a bit of their shine over time, ideally they’re something the players of those champs can be excited about!
Will have more to share in the future.
Riot will most likely show how the work on these characters is going in some time. Both Taliyah and Olaf are currently not selected very often. The announced fixes are likely to change that.