
Tomorrow you will not play LoL for half a day. Disruptive technical interruption

When won’t it be possible to play League of Legends?

Updates are often released for League of Legends, but they usually do not require that players have to let go of playing for an extended period of time. Now Riot is releasing information on the fact that the servers will be unavailable to players for 8 hours.

It’s not officially clear why Riot would even conduct such a long break, but it’s potentially about bugs of any kind.

Riot’s technical break

The official League of Legends website has released information on the technical break, which will take place tomorrow. Players will not be able to play in the morning until noon. At this point, it is difficult to say what exactly is the reason for the break.

Players in the EU North region will be unable to play LoL or TFT from 04/26/2023 03:00 GMT+1 until 04/26/2023 11:00 GMT+1 while both games undergo maintenance. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

League has been facing a fair number of serious bugs recently, which can have a significant impact on gameplay. There is a good chance that Riot is planning to release patches to address the problems described in other articles.

We are talking, among others, about Tahm Kench, who can teleport all over the map without any restrictions, or the item for supports, which allows you to generate gold indefinitely.

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