This LoL player wanted to get the kill at any cost. It didn’t end too well

One of the players published a video that perfectly shows that it is not worth being too greedy.
Almost every League of Legends player has experienced a situation where an opponent with a remnant of HP was at hand. Such an enemy begs to be killed. Unfortunately, as you can guess, things are not always that simple, and what was supposed to be a quick kill turns into a long chase and a fierce fight.
One of the players posted a video showing this type of situation. The action did not end, however, as the hero presented in the recording would want to. What exactly happened?
Unsuccessful chase for a kill
A user named ImagineWagin posted a short video on Reddit that depicts one of the Summoner’s Rift actions.
The video starts with a top lane fight. Jhin from the blue team is attacked by the opposing Trundle. The enemy quickly depletes the shooter’s health bar, so he is forced to flee. It doesn’t stop there. It turns out that the player from the red team is not going to let go and is very confident that he will catch up with the ADC running from him.
Jhin wastes both summoner spells at one point, which only reassures Trundle that his pursuit makes sense. It would seem that the coveted kill is near, because the target has no Flash or Heal to save himself.

As might be expected, the end of the pursuit did not end with Jhin’s death at all. Blinded by the vision of getting a kill, Trundle ran after the shooter to the turret, which caused him to lose a lot of health points. He still did not give up and when he ran up to the next turret, received a painful blow from his opponent, which took his life.
According to some, the above video perfectly shows that it is not worth being greedy, because you can not only lose a lot of time, but also die senselessly.