The dark side of the new challenges in LoL. Players prioritize them more than winning matches

After just one day, players are complaining about the new challenges. Some people take them too seriously?
Yesterday, an element encouraging the community to play appeared on the official League of Legends servers. Namely, Riot has introduced a “new rank system” dependent on the performance of tasks. It is shared with all players on the loading screen, which means many have a strong interest in it.
Here, however, there is a small problem. Some people focus not on winning a match but on tasks. This doesn’t appeal to the community that says it could be one of the worst add-ons released by Riot.
“New challenges are not a priority in the game”
“Challenges” is a new tab in League of Legends that works much like Patrons. However, it applies not only to one character, but to individual classes, in-game activities, collections of cosmetic accessories, champions, and more. It offers various tasks for which players earn points that count towards the new rank.
Among other things, you can find such missions as dancing with the Herald in the base during the end of the game, killing a dragon before 8 minutes, or eliminating the Baron solo. Although most players know perfectly well that these are situational tasks and cannot be done in every game, many people try to do it at all costs without looking at the result of the match.
This is disliked by the community trying to play and win a match rather than watch an ally dying on the Baron for the 3rd time in an attempt to solo him.
Unfortunately, this is a con that is not possible to just repair. Perhaps Riot Games, as the commentator wrote, predicted that it would be so, and for this reason, the developers did not add them in the first place. Maybe in a few days, all the hype will pass and players will stop trying so hard.