Should towers in LoL apply Grievous Wounds? A controversial idea from one of the players

League of Legends

One of the players proposed an interesting change in the effects imposed by towers in League of Legends.

LoL towers are a very important element of the game. In order to win the game, you need to destroy at least a few of them. The tactic of going under an opponent’s tower in order to kill one or more enemies is called dive. In theory, this shouldn’t be too simple and players should be sure that the play is profitable.

One player thought that getting under the opponent’s turret is currently too easy and does not require too many skills. What should Riot change to make dives dangerous?

Should towers in LoL be changed?

A user with the nickname -CraftCoffee- said that towers in League of Legends should be rebuilt a bit. According to the player, the title is struggling with a big problem, which is diving, which has become very easy, and nowadays practically anyone can do it. According to him, this could be changed if Riot decided to remake the towers and make them apply Grievous Wounds to their opponents.

Hot Take: Turrets should apply grievous wounds. I’m sure this will stir up a few people but here we go. Healing is and has been bonkers for several seasons now with it only recently getting addressed slightly. Turret diving used to be relegated to the top teams in the world, now anyone with reliable cc and an execute call pull them off pretty consistently.

So…The solution is pretty obvious then… Make turrets do more than give artificial protection especially vs 2, 3, or 4 people. Make who takes aggro, drops it, and who takes it next actually matter. Being able to just faceroll a tower because the enemy has an Enchanter + Death Dance or Gore Drinker isn’t ok. There should be skill in exaction not a defecto result because just a few easily accessible criteria are met.

At the end of his post, the player stated that the towers in League of Legends could impose many more effects, but there is no point in writing about them because the topic of Grievous Wounds itself is controversial enough.

Many commenters admitted that they liked the idea very much, although it could be modified. Some said towers should be more durable, while others said their damage could be greater, especially for tanks that can take multiple shots and escape unscathed.

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