An example of a perfect support in League of Legends. Amazing action on bot
One player showed why good bot support can change the tide of the game.
Support is a role that has not enjoyed good opinions for a long time. A lot of players went to the bottom lane as a last resort, and there were those who believed (and still believe) that playing supports didn’t require skill and was just taking the easy way.
Fans of the role of support will disagree with this statement because they have often found out on their own skin that protecting allies can be quite a challenge. Keeping your carry alive is incredibly important, and it gets stressful when the entire opposing team is out to get him.
The hero of today’s video has shown that he can perfectly protect his companion from bot lane. What he did impressed the League of Legends community.
Perfect ADC support
A player named imnotagreatguy has uploaded a video of the spectacular bot lane action. The author played Taric and his friend Vayne. The first seconds of the video show that there is a fierce fight between the shooters and supports of both teams.
At one point, Vayne nearly dies and her HP bar drops drastically low. It would seem that this is the end and the whole fight will end with the defeat of the blue team. Fortunately, at the last minute, Taric saves his friend, and thanks to his support, the two kill the opposing Jinx. Vayne, of course, still has little HP and is literally close to death. The enemy Senna probably wants to deliver the final blow, but the heroic Taric re-enters the action, defending his shooter. And this is just the beginning.
As you can see, the rest of the red team went down to the lower lane, and they wanted to finish off the heroes of the video. It also ended in failure as Taric did not let his ADC get hurt.
The fact that Vayne was close to death at least a couple of times, and still survived, was incredibly spectacular. Commentators appreciated Taric’s play as he perfectly protected his marksman with a shield, healing, and ult.
Acctually Taric played that super well with attacking minions to reset q cd as well