
Settings assigned to a hero? League of Legends players are asking for this feature to be introduced

An option that would be really useful to a large part of the community. What exactly is it about?

There are a lot of heroes in League of Legends, and each of them in its own way stands out from the rest. Each champion has a unique set of skills, which simply makes them play differently. LoL is not the only game where you have multiple characters at your disposal, and consequently, quite a few solutions can be found not only in one title but also in others.

This time, however, a certain feature was picked up in another game, and LoL fans said that it would also work great in Riot’s production. It’s about settings assigned to individual heroes. Why could something like this really be useful in LoL?

Settings for each hero

There are many characters in League of Legends, and few people play exclusively one of them. Although you generally have your favorite champion, circumstances sometimes force you to choose someone else in his place. Whether it’s being assigned to a different position, a champion being banned, being picked up by an enemy team, or just a poor potential matchup.

Due to the fact that each character has its own set of skills, each character will play slightly differently. With one character, E may be a jump or dash, while with another character a similar skill will be found under the Q key. This turn of events can often confuse when a champion is not played very regularly, which in turn can lead to poor play and in extreme cases even defeat.

Players thought it would be a great idea to allow the settings to be saved for one champion only. In addition to basic key assignments, fans would like to be able to modify them only for a selected character. Overwatch, in which this is possible, was cited as an example.

One of my favourite features in Overwatch was getting to change almost every setting for specific heroes, I think they even let you change your mousespeed for specific heroes. I’d love to have a feature like this in League

Another user cited an example that should better reach LoL players.

Why should I have to go into settings every time I play vex to set change my ultimate to “Quick Cast With Indicator.” And god forbid I forget change my settings the game after and mess something up.

Some commenters admitted that such a solution would really benefit them, since the pool of champions forces them to modify their settings practically every game.

I have been saying this for years, with my champion pool i find myself changing quick cast almost every game ç-ç

At this point in the thread, no studio employee has commented. So it’s hard to judge whether a feature could actually make its way into the game, allowing players to change the settings assigned to each champion. However, given how long it takes to introduce other new features, players are unlikely to see this possibility in the game soon, if the developers decide to implement it at all.