
Riot addresses problems with Clash in League of Legends. What went wrong?

What happened to the last Clash? Rioter explains what problem the developers encountered.

Clash is another way to compete in League of Legends that is available without leaving home. The developers wanted to provide players with something more than ranked games, creating Clash competitions that take place from time to time. Virtually anyone can take part in them to compete for unique prizes, and by joining the fun, you are guaranteed to run into opponents playing at a similar level.

However, the last League of Legends Clash organized by the creators turned out to be a failure. Not only did the competitions not take place on the scheduled dates, but players did not receive any concrete messages from the developers. One of the designers finally breaks the silence and writes what happened.

What’s wrong with Clash?

Players interested in the Clash tournament are certainly aware that the tournament, which was supposed to take place recently, ultimately didn’t. On the web, you can find numerous posts in which fans do not hide their dissatisfaction.

The way Riot handled Clash these past few weekends is frankly just disrespectful to the players. For the second weekend in a row, Clash failed to work on Saturday and also trapped participants’ accounts in the tournament for hours without a way to quit/forfeit.

Along with that, Riot offered no communication at any point during or afterwards other than “Yep we know there’s an issue”, and they’ve also not offered any compensation or Clash rewards.

The player explained why the problems with Clash are so important to the part of the community that is interested in them.

People plan ahead and take time out of their weekends to sit down and play Clash. Server issues occasionally happen and that’s understandable, but when for the second weekend in a row, players are prevented from even backing out and playing normal games with their friends they gathered together, AND they receive next to no communication and zero compensation, that’s nothing short of disrespectful to the players and their time.

One of the designers, Riot Brightmoon, spoke out on Reddit.

We should’ve been more communicative on the Clash issues. Normally when we have bugs in Clash we triage and then try to let folks know how long it will be delayed. But the bugs the past two weeks have been issues we’ve never encountered before and that resulted in less info and understanding.

We’re still digging into the issues today and will provide more info before next Clash on what we’ve done to avoid these issues in the future. Your time, nights and weekends are very important and we want you to feel good about planning to play League in the most competitive mode.

It remains to hope that the developers will learn from the situation and that this one will not happen again in the future. As Rioter itself writes, before the release of the next Clash, there should be information on what Riot plans to do to make the tournament free of such problems.