
Remake in LoL is completely broken? The absurd situation by which the player lost LP

One League of Legends player has described why he thinks the remake system works in a terrible way.

When Riot first announced that it was introducing a new system that allows players to vote early to surrender when there is someone on the team who has not connected to the match, the community rejoiced. Many believed that the new solution would be a hit and would ensure that LoL fans would not feel unfair when someone on their team had internet problems.

As you know, League of Legends is a team game, so the absence of one of your allies often means defeat, even if the others are doing their best.

Recently, the developers announced that they would improve the remake system a bit to make it even more fulfilling. Unfortunately, while everything sounded good in theory, it came out much worse in practice.

The remake system is not working properly?

It didn’t take long for the first problems to appear. Just a dozen days ago, it was reported that the community was complaining about changes in the system. Players were losing LPs, although this shouldn’t be happening. Not surprisingly, fans of the title became heavily annoyed by all this.

One of them described a fresh story in which the system was again at fault. The player wrote:

As a Teemo main I run to lane and get a bit over the mid way mark and stand still to go invisible so I can strike my opponent without them seeing me first. When I do this it says I’m AFK and gives the team the option to remake!

This time someone prompted the remake once I was already hitting minions and my opponent, 2 people said yes and it made me lose 17lp and get my account penalised!

This is so broken how is this even allowed when Teemo going invisible in lane is a well known and common occurrence??

The story quickly made its way to a wider audience. Players commented that the whole system was “both very funny, but also incredibly stupid.” Others added that such absurd things only happen in League of Legends.

There were also those who described their own stories in which they were lurking in the bushes for an enemy, and the system mistakenly decided that they were apparently AFK.

Stuff like this does make me wonder how many of the people making these changes actually play the game. This is an obviously flaw in the system that should have basically been caught in the very first playtest. Apparently, taking the time to guard your junglers weakside buff until 1:30 is now considered toxic behavior and grounds for disciplinary action.