
Pixel Art Game from Arcane is a surprising project that takes Jinx to a pixel world

One of the fans has created an interesting animation that takes Jinx from Arcane into a pixelated world.

The League of Legends animated series turned out to be a huge hit and is still relatively big today. The players are constantly creating beautiful fan arts and spectacular cosplays. It doesn’t end there, as some people decided to go a step further.

One of the fans decided to move Jinx to a pixel animation that looks like a computer game about the aforementioned League of Legends heroine. The whole thing looks really good.

Get Jinxed in pixel version

A Reddit user StudioBaku posted a post on the internet entitled “Get Jinxed – Pixel Art Game Version”. The name implied that it was Jinx’s video from October 9, 2013, but reworked.

After watching an over 2-minute-long video, you can see that the animation is related to the Arcane series – you can see there a place known from the series and the heroine in a characteristic outfit.

The author presents an animation of a walking or dancing character, interacting with various objects on the map, e.g. a rocking horse or emotions that accompany Jinx (this refers to scenes from the series in which the heroine heard and saw dead friends).

Everything looks really atmospheric, and the reception of the animation is improved by matching music (Get Jinxed in 8-bit version). Unfortunately, the whole thing is quite short and presents only a fragment of a larger project.

As you know, creating a full game, even a short one, takes a long time, and in addition, it is highly likely that Riot would not agree to the release of such a project.

The information provided shows that the aforementioned StudioBaku is one person who wanted to try their hand at creating pixel art games.


Commenting on the animation admitted that the whole thing looks really great and they would love to play a pixel game about Jinx. It remains to be hoped that the author will not waste his skills and in the future will release a game in this style, although it will probably not be anything related to the Riot’s title.