
One LoL player noticed that a “nice hacker” got access to his account. What exactly did he do on it?

A League of Legends player experienced an account hack. After checking his game history, he was strongly surprised.

More than one League of Legends player has encountered a really unpleasant situation of account hacking. Usually, account thieves are not the nicest people. They sneak into them to use up the RP there or sell the profile to someone else. It also happens that hackers simply want to make someone angry, so they troll on rankeds, insult others or leave games, so that eventually the account they found themselves on gets banned.

Is it possible that the account thief will turn out to be a nice person or do something that will ultimately turn out to be positive? It may seem strange, but one player experienced such a situation. To this day, he does not understand what the hacker’s goal was. What exactly happened?

Strange hacking of a LoL account

One Reddit user shared a rather strange story with the rest of the community. It turns out that he came across a “nice” thief who stole his account to win games on it. The author of the post wrote:

Someone Explain Why a Hacker Logged into my Account and Won 10 Straight Games

My roommate and I were about to play League of Legends. He suddenly asked me why I was already in the game. Confused, I immediately logged into my account and tried to load a match, but couldn’t. We checked the game history of this account and found that someone had been playing there for 10 hours, won every match as support without any duo. 

On top of that, the stats in those matches weren’t that high to be considered a smurf. 

I changed the password and managed to get the whole thing sorted out with Riot’s help. But what was this guy’s purpose? All my RP remained on the account. He simply got me a rank up.

The comments joked that the player apparently ended up with someone who decided to give out premature Christmas gifts, so he got random players higher ranks. Others claimed that perhaps the thief wanted to get the rank and then sell that account at a higher price.

Probably the author of the entry will never know again what was the hacker’s actions purpose.