
K’Sante is receiving a buff in LoL. Will this make any difference to the WR of this “weak” character?

Buffs of a new hero in LoL. He’ll be quicker to jump towards allies.

A new hero has been gracing the official League of Legends servers for a week now. Players use him mainly on the top lane, but it seems that he is a bit too weak. At least that’s what the community says, and it can also be inferred from the stats.

The developers decided to do something about it and introduced a small buff of one of his skills. Now he will jump to an ally a little faster, but will it be enough?

K’Sante’s buffs

Many players have decided to check out or even become the main of the new top lane tank. He is picked quite often, and the selection rate is almost 11% at this point. However, the situation is not the same in terms of WR, which is drastically low. Even, for a character that just came out.

According to the website, he wins almost 45% of the matches above platinum. He does better in diamond. There, players use his skills more effectively and he wins 50% of matches. So the difference is really big.

The buff of the speed of jumping to an ally can also help increase his Win Rate. Its value has been increased from 1600 units to 1800.

Is this enough to increase his chances of winning? While it may seem like little, his mains are satisfied. At least that’s what can be inferred from the comments on Reddit. Perhaps the creators in the preseason will once again decide to strengthen him. It’s worth remembering that Riot has announced chaos, and it will take a while for it all to settle down.