
On the occasion of Jax’s remake, LoL players are reminded that there are more such characters in the game

Jax’s upcoming visual update has reminded the community how many heroes need a rework.

There are currently more than 160 characters in League of Legends. The game is well over a decade old, so it’s no surprise that over the years Riot has released a really large variety of champions. Unfortunately, with such a number of heroes, it is difficult to refresh all of them regularly, hence some strongly deviate visually from those released today.

Despite the fact that the developers try to introduce visual updates, players still complain that there are a lot of characters in LoL that look simply tragic, and their oldest skins are simply ugly and hardly anyone wants to play using them.

The recently announced visual rework of Jax reminded the community of how many champions are in a deplorable state.

Which LoL characters need a refresh?

Recently, the developers of League of Legends announced that Jax will receive a visual update. This champion is one of the oldest heroes in the game, as he was released on February 21, 2009. He turned 14 this year, so his fans were really happy to hear that their favorite character will receive a refresh.

The topic of Jax’s re-release has caused the LoL community to once again start discussing how many characters need ASU or full VGU. It turns out that quite a few, as at least 40. As you can easily guess, the vast majority of the champions listed were released more than 10 years ago.

This is what the list, which was published on Reddit, looks like:

  1. Zilean – 4/18/2009
  2. Amumu – 6/26/2009
  3. Cho’Gath – 6/26/2009
  4. Anivia – 7/10/2009
  5. Rammus – 7/10/2009
  6. Veigar – 7/24/2009
  7. Malphite – 9/2/2009
  8. Blitzcrank – 9/2/2009
  9. Corki – 9/19/2009
  10. Shaco – 10/10/2009
  11. Gragas – 2/2/2010
  12. Kennen – 4/8/2010
  13. Malzahar – 6/1/2010
  14. Olaf – 6/9/2010
  15. Kog’Maw – 6/24/2010
  16. Xin Zhao – 7/13/2010
  17. Vladimir – 7/27/2010
  18. Lux – 10/19/2010
  19. LeBlanc – 11/2/2010
  20. Jarvan IV – 3/1/2011
  21. Nocturne – 3/15/2011
  22. Brand – 4/12/2011
  23. Rumble – 4/26/2011
  24. Vayne – 5/10/2011
  25. Orianna – 6/1/2011
  26. Leona – 7/13/2011
  27. Tryndamere – 7/25/2011
  28. Janna – 7/25/2011
  29. Wukong – 7/26/2011
  30. Talon – 8/24/2011
  31. Riven – 9/14/2011
  32. Xerath – 10/5/2011
  33. Graves – 10/19/2011
  34. Shyvana – 11/1/2011
  35. Fizz – 11/15/2011
  36. Viktor – 12/29/2011
  37. Ziggs – 2/1/2012
  38. Nautilus – 2/14/2012
  39. Lulu – 3/20/2012
  40. Hecarim – 4/18/2012
  41. Varus – 5/8/2012
  42. Ashe – 5/22/2012

Complaints against the aforementioned heroes were really various – ugly in-game model, uninteresting skill effects, a short list of dialogue lines, terrible splash art of old skins, or boring lore.

All this makes the community once again ask Riot to increase the number of rework releases. Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it may seem. The developers have explained more than once that it takes a huge amount of work to fully revamp a character. Of course, some players say that such a big company, which earns huge money, should not complain about something like this.

There are also those who are concerned that with the increased number of reworks, Riot would not put enough work into them. This can be seen, among other things, in hero launches – when developers release new champions too often, the launches are not as exciting as fans would like them to be.