
New skins for League of Legends: Snow Moon Ahri, Morgana, Varus

Riot has unveiled the new skins coming soon to League of Legends.

In classic fashion, it all starts with a video presentation of the skins. Then come the splash artists, then the appearance directly in the game. This time the skins will go to:

  • Ahri,
  • Morgana,
  • Varus.

They all come from one and the same series, namely “Snow Moon”. It’s getting warmer these days, so the themes fit perfectly…

Snow Moon in LoL

The skins are in a typical winter climate. It’s hard to say how Riot calculates it, but most online games are in the process of introducing summer events.


Why do winter skins enter just now? This is known only to the developers. One can speculate that this is some kind of plan, but it’s unlikely that anyone is deluded anymore.

The skins will probably be added in the 13.10 update, although nothing is certain at this point with Riot.