New splash art foretells an upcoming rework? Will the LoL character be refreshed after many years?

How does the new Kassadin artwork look like and what’s so interesting about it?
League of Legends is without a doubt one of the most popular productions in the gaming industry, despite the fact that it appeared on the market more than 12 years ago. This is largely due to the fact that Riot is constantly updating and changing it to such an extent that it would be difficult to juxtapose the current League with the one from its early days.
Kassadin is a hero who was in LoL as early as 2009. His current splash art comes from 2015 when the protagonist received numerous visual corrections. Another champion art in the game client is coming to live servers very soon, and players are thinking about what that might mean.
Kassadin’s new splash art
Kassadin has received a new splash art that differs significantly from how the hero has looked in the game over the past decade. At the moment, it’s hard to say if Riot plans to make bigger fixes, as was the case with, for example, ASU Caitlyn or Evelynn, but the new champion art looks more like the Void character than before.
Compared to Kassadin’s previous splash art, its newer version gives it characteristics similar to those found in his daughter Kai’Sa. One can distinguish, among others, shoulder straps with large purple Void spikes. The updated splash also makes his squid-like mask appear more threatening by removing some pipes and sharpening the horns.
The artwork now highlights the champion’s human origins with the robe he wore as he searched the void for his master, Malzahar. The traces of the struggle that can be seen on it represent what Kassadin had to go through on his journey, reminding him of the vengeance he sought in the Void for everything it took from him.
Kassadin’s appearance has remained the same for many years. Players, by showing the current model of the champion and comparing it to the new graphics depicting it in the client, hope that the hero will also see improvements noticeable on Summoner’s Rift. At the moment, however, nothing has been confirmed by Riot.