New commands in LoL that can protect you from a ban. What exactly do /muteself and /deafen do?

League of Legends

The developers have announced the addition of new commands in the game. What is worth knowing about them?

Virtually every League of Legends player is familiar with the commands that can be typed in the chat window that appears during gameplay. This is helpful for performing various actions, from muting other participants in a match (which is probably the most popular form of command use) to, for example, writing back to someone in a private message.

It turns out that the developers of LoL have prepared two new commands for their fans to further combat abuse and toxicity. The novelties are related to muting, so they are sure to interest some players. What do the latest commands sound like and what exactly do they do?

New chat commands in LoL

Riot has informed the community that two new commands will be available in League of Legends. Both will be related to muting players but will work in a slightly different ways.

 New commands for /muteself and /deafen are available in-game. We have seen players use the automatic chat abuse detection and muting feature in order to mute themselves, which is a misuse of that system. Given players do want to use this functionality, we are providing ways for players to mute themselves without needing to use inappropriate language to do so. 

  • /muteself will prevent you from using text chat as well as notify other players you have muted yourself. You can undo this by using /muteself again
  • /deafen will prevent you from using text chat AND prevent yourself from seeing chat from other players, as well as notify other players you have muted yourself. You can undo this by using /deafen again

Riot will probably keep an eye on whether or not any more commands need to be added. This is in direct response to requests from the community itself.

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