
LoL’s heroine currently has the lowest win rate in the entire game, because people tried to play like esports players and…

Zeri is currently in a really bad situation. She is losing the most games of all heroes in the League.

Zeri appeared on Summoner’s Rift in January this year. From the very beginning, she was a rather controversial character. With her release, Riot completely changed her approach to autoattacks, which are incredibly important in the role of a shooter. On top of that, the character is insanely mobile and really hard to catch.

The character’s skill set made her very difficult to balance. At one time players laughed that the developers improved Zeri a dozen times in just a few updates. It was a kind of record when it came to balancing new champions.

Today, the heroine is in a truly dire situation. What do her current stats look like?

Zeri and her horrible wine rate

One can really talk a lot about Zeri. Right after her release, she was a real nuisance. Players complained about her speed and the fact that it was practically impossible to kill her, as she escapes from every possible situation. There was a mass of videos on the Internet that showed a solo quadra or penta, and those who criticized the new characters had even more arguments that “it used to be better.”

Today, the Zaun character is not very successful on Summoner’s Rift. Currently, her win rate is tragic, making her the most frequently losing champion of the entire game. According to the website, Zeri barely wins 41.8% of games.

Some people joke that the heroine’s win rate is so lamentable because players want to emulate the pros, and as we all know – the character is much loved by e-sports players. She often appears on the professional scene, and according to, a website that collects e-sports information from League of Legends, Zeri is one of the most frequently picked characters. While this does not mean that her win rate is exaggeratedly high, it is still much higher than what can be observed among regular players.

Others claim that the weak state of the character is due to the fact that Riot is again focusing too much on balancing the game for the professional scene. This has happened with a couple of heroes in the past, and one of the most famous examples is Ryze – in the hands of e-sports players he has wreaked havoc more than once, and in the normal play he has been known to have the worst win rate of all champions.

One player wrote:

Pretty crazy that Zeri has been completely and utterly gutted in soloq due to the pick dominating pro play. I remember other champs like Ryze, Azir, Kalista had awful soloq win rates in the past because of pro play nerfs, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a champion have a <40% win rate. Riot clearly need to make some major changes with this champion