LoL players should not be selected for matches with people previously reported?

LoL players came up with the idea of a redesign of the matchmaking system.
Toxic behavior in LoL is not something that rarely happens to players. You can often find someone in the game who will insult you for trivial reasons. Usually, in this case, you mute and report the player for their behavior, but sometimes it is not enough.
There may be times when that person reappears in the next game and everything starts all over again. This is what players want to avoid and are asking developers to change the matchmaking system. However, the solution has several serious drawbacks.
Reported players shouldn’t be matched?
An interesting post appeared on the largest community forum in LoL, where you can often meet Riot employees. One of the users had the idea for Riot to introduce a new solution to LoL regarding the matchmaking system. Everyone reported would not be matched for the next game together.
The idea may seem really good. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of catching toxic people (more people will be using reports), it will allow players to enjoy the game without having to listen to the same insults from the player appearing from the previous match. There are also downsides that are hard to miss.
First, you need to determine for which period of time the person will be skipped for. If it is a permanent blockade, the queues will be longer, and waiting for the game in higher divisions will be tiring. This, however, can be solved and it can be limited for a few days or 24 hours. The misuse of this option for dishonest purposes is a much more serious problem. Worse players will be reported to be avoided in the next games. This will clog the system responsible for checking submissions.
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Not only weak players will be “blocked”, it will also apply to good players. Opponents who see someone playing much better than them will want to avoid him so that he does not win the next game. This will again lead to the system clogging up with pointless reports.
This was what happened in the Blizzard’s game. Overwatch had such an option, and this led to a situation where mains of characters considered strong had to wait much longer than others. Eventually, the blocking was reworked and a limit of 3 units at one point was added.
This shows that making such changes is not easy, but not impossible, and some developers are actually working on it. Perhaps in the future, it will appear in League of Legends and other team games in a slightly different form.