The last tank for TOP in LoL was released almost 5 years ago, players are demanding another one

The last top lane tank released is Ornn, he came out in 2017.
Currently, it is not entirely profitable to play with tanks in League of Legends. If we look at the characters with the best win rate, there won’t be too many of them in the top ten. This also applies to the number of characters of this type published by Riot.
Developers do not want to create tanks, especially for the top lane. The last one appeared in mid-2017. It was hugely popular in the hands of professional Ornn players. Now the community is asking for another one.
Ornn – the last tank
The current state of the meta in League of Legends is unlikely to be described to anyone. High damage predominates, at least until Riot implements the promised few weeks of changes. Some even believe that the creators like this state of the meta, which may suggest resignation from releasing tanks on this line.
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Here’s what the list of the most recent characters released for this line looks like, starting in 2014:
- Gnar
- Tahm Kench
- Illaoi
- Kled
- Camille
- Ornn
- Sett
- Yone
- Gwen
As we can see, the number of tanks released on this line is not very big. This was noticed by the community and asked the creators to bring a breath of fresh air to people who like to tank a little more.
It is worth remembering that we are talking about strict tanks, not juggernauts like Illaoi or Gnar. There are really few such in the game. They include Alistar, Amumu, Gragas, Leona, Malphite, Maokai, Nautilus, Nunu, Ornn, Rammus, Rell, Sejuani, Sion, Zac.
The last of them was released in 2020 and it was Rell. So it is possible that another one will appear in the near future. This time for TOP.