
LoL 12.21: Which League of Legends heroes will receive nerfs and buffs in the next update?

Who does Riot plan to strengthen and who to weaken in the upcoming patch?

Pre-season is approaching for League of Legends, and as a result, the developers are rather focused on the sizable changes that will soon hit the live servers. However, this may not overly affect the regular updates, which are primarily aimed at making balancing fixes. Who exactly will be included in the next patch 12.21 and what does one Rioter write about the changes?

Patch is short and sweet this week. The team is heads down on making sure that Preseason is at the quality level to go out the door. Really excited

Only addressing significant outliers that aren’t overly affected by the changes.

The Malz/Rumble changes are last hit assistance

Patch 12.21

Champions’ buffs

  • Ahri
  • Corki
  • Malzahar
  • Xin Zhao
  • Rumble

Champions’ nerfs

  • Blitzcrank
  • Bel’Veth
  • Miss Fortune