League of Legends Twisted Fate will receive a VFX update. What does the refreshed hero look like?

League of Legends

Twisted Fate will receive new animations and sound effects for his skills.

The time has come to refresh another champion that has been in the game for over 13 years. As it is commonly known, the creators renew older heroes from time to time, so that their visual and sound effects do not differ from the current League of Legends graphic style.

The latest VFX update will affect Twisted Fate, meaning the community has predicted Riot’s plans (see: Which champion may receive VFX updates in the future? Riot makes it clear).

What does Twisted Fate’s VFX look like?

Twisted Fate is a hero who arrived on Summoner’s Rift on February 21, 2009. Today, he is a recognizable character that has quite a lot of skins – he has as many as 14 of them.

TF’s skins were associated mainly with the collector’s PAX or Magnificent, which is one of the old legends that do not change much in the appearance of skills. The developers decided to fix it, so the Amazing Twisted Fate will finally become unique.

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Leona, Orianna, Vel’koz, etc.), we’re working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity.

It is now time for time Twisted Fate’s, targeted for the 12.10 patch! The update is focused on cleaning, modernizing his kit, and including details from we have seen in other representations of the character across Runeterra.

This update includes The Magnificent Twisted Fate, a legacy legendary skin that has received a new set of VFX, pushing the personality for this skin.

The video below shows all the changes for the base skin and all affected skins.


What has changed for individual skins?

  • Base: Complete overhaul

  • PAX Twisted Fate: Same as base

  • Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate: Same as base

  • The Magnificent Twisted Fate: Complete Overhaul

  • Tango Twisted Fate: Same as base

  • High Noon Twisted Fate: Complete overhaul

  • Musketeer Twisted Fate: Same as base

  • Underworld Twisted Fate: Complete overhaul

  • Red Card Twisted Fate: Same as base

  • Cutpurse Twisted Fate: Mirror new base

  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate: Mirror new base

  • Pulsefire Twisted Fate: Minor changes mirroring new base

  • Odyssey Twisted Fate: Minor changes mirroring new base

  • Crime City Twisted Fate: Minor changes mirroring new base

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