League of Legends Syndra will receive the VFX update. How does the refreshed heroine look like?
Syndra has received completely new animations and sound effects for her skills.
League of Legends designers recently informed fans of plans to refresh champions who don’t need gameplay changes, but their models leave a bit to be desired (Who might get an ASU update in LoL soon? What is it anyway?).
One of the Rioters announced the upcoming Syndra changes. What will the heroine look like after the update?
Syndra will receive the VFX update
When the new approach of the creators to refreshing some characters was announced, most fans immediately thought about Caitlyn. Why this character would receive a model update is explained in-depth in the article above. Few, however, expected Syndra.
All of the heroine’s skills have received new animations, and below you can see their presentation from the test servers. It was shared by Rioter Sirhaian who is responsible, among others, for visual and sound effects in League of Legends.
As you can see in the video above, Syndra will receive an update to sound and visual effects on almost all skins. Below you can find a list of character skins and a description of what has been improved in them.
- Base: Complete overhaul
- Justicar: Complete overhaul, should finally be readable
- Atlantean: Minimal changes, it was already pretty good gameplay and art-wise
- Queen of Diamonds: Uses base changes
- Snow Day: Pretty big changes, mainly aimed at mirroring base’s and cleaning up the noise
- SKT T1: Mirroring base changes and added subtle SKT T1 logo in lvl 5 E cone
- Star Guardian: Minimal changes
- Pool Party: Minimal tweaks
- Withered Rose: No changes
- Bewitching: No changes
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In the comments, you can find fans concerned about Caitlyn, who most thought was going to receive the next update. Some, however, pointed out that the heroine will need much more tweaks, which Riot is probably still working on. The character model itself needs to be changed.