
League of Legends developers on whether MMR from ranked games has any effect on normals

One Rioter commented on MMR in ranked games and on normals.

For many players, climbing the ranked ladder is a really important part of playing League of Legends. There are a lot of questions about ranked games, especially when it comes to new fans of the title who have not yet discovered all the rules of the game.

Riot regularly reminds and explains how exactly certain systems work, including MMR, which is an integral part of the ranked queue.

Does MMR from ranked queues have any effect on normals or vice versa?

MMR in League of Legends

Many new LoL players often wonder how MMR works, what it is related to, and whether their actions in ranked matches have any effect on normal matches. The developers have repeatedly spoken out on these issues and dispelled various doubts. That doesn’t mean, however, that from time to time it’s not worth recalling how MMR actually is in League of Legends.

The topic came up again on Reddit, and one player asked how it works for normals.

Riot Auberaun answered the question as follows:

Normal MMR is separate from Ranked MMR. It goes up when you win games and down when you lose them. Normal Blind and Normal Draft share the same MMR number

As you can see, MMR from ranked games does not affect normal games, and vice versa – results on Blinds or Drafts do not affect the ranking queue.