
How long would it take to refresh all the old characters in LoL? One player calculated this

How many years does it take to remake all the old League of Legends heroes?

League of legends had its premiere in 2009. Many years have passed since then – during this period the game has changed a lot. Developers have added dozens of new champions, hundreds of different skins, new game modes, and more.

With such a huge amount of content, it’s hard to keep everything perfect. Older characters began to deviate graphically from the latest ones, and although Riot occasionally makes reworks, it seems unfeasible to renew all the outdated heroes.

One player decided to count how many years it would take to refresh the old champions. To do so, he divided all characters into three categories.

Reworks in League of Legends

A player nicknamed Caesaria_Tertia decided to group LoL heroes and estimate how many years it would take to revamp each of them. The very beginning of his statement already encourages you to read the analysis, as it suggests that it takes about 30 years to revamp every old champion.

If Riot updates 3 champions a year, we’ll have all obsolete champions updated by 2053 or by 2032, but only the champs with worst models and animations, like Zilean or Ashe.

In a further statement, the player explains that he divided all LoL characters into three groups. They are presented as follows:

I counted the champions and divided all champs into 3 categories. Of course, this is subjective, but it will help us to roughly imagine the amount and timing of work on their rework (I did not count the 3 champions that are already in the process of updating). Only non-legendary skins count, of course.

The first category is the oldest and ugliest champions that look bad even in new good textures. I have 24 champions (Ashe, Jax, Master Yi, Singed, Zilean, Amumu, Cho’Gath, Anivia, Kassadin, Blitzcrank, Malphite, Gragas, Vladimir, Sona, LeBlanc, Trundle, Rumble, Vayne, Orianna, Leona, Wukong, Xerath, Viktor, Lulu).

The second category also includes old and bad-looking characters, but according to the author, some of their skins look quite lovely, especially if they redo the animations properly.

The second category is also old and bad looking champions, who, however, are quite cute in new skins that smooth out their animations. But some champions are controversial – Annie, except for the last skin, is more suitable for the first category, and Lux, on the contrary, looks bad in the last skin, and in the previous new ones her model does not look so bad. And Janna is generally doing well, but the animation of the hair really spoils the impression of the image.

I have 65 champions in total, they also need a rework, but not so urgently, and the new skins are quite playable, and the champions are quite nice.

And the third category is new champions or old ones with very good animations, for example, I really like Lucian, although he is already 10 years old. There are 70 champions in total + 3 that are in the process of being reworked.

In total, we have 15% of champions in desperate need of a rework, 40% also need a rework, but after the first, and only 45% of the champions are in order, less than half of the ones in the game.

The player noted that Riot would have to update a minimum of 3 or 4 champions a year so that it wouldn’t take too many years to improve the ones that look the worst. Of course, that wouldn’t make the work stop eventually – in the meantime, other characters would start to age and eventually need a revamp as well.