
Detailed description of patch 12.7 coming to League of Legends. All LoL patch changes

What changes will come to League of Legends in the upcoming update 12.7?

Yesterday, Rioter Tim Truexy announced the preliminary list of fixes that will appear in League of Legends in the upcoming patch, update 12.7. These changes are expected to take effect on Wednesday, April 13. Today it is already known what corrections have been prepared for individual champions and items by the designers who ensure the balance of the game. Below is a full list of changes shared by one of the studio employees.

A detailed description of patch 12.7

Champions’ buffs

  • Gwen
    • Skip ‘n Slash (E)
      • Cooldown Refund 50% >>> 60%
    • Needlework (R)
      • Cooldown 120-80 >>>100-80
  • Pantheon
    • Base stats
      • Health regen (every 5 seconds) – 9 >>> 7.5

    • Comet Spear (Q)
      • Tap Length 550 >>> 600
      • Tap Width 150 >>> 120
    • Aegis Assault (E)
      • No longer slows Pantheon when moving backwards
    • Grand Starfall (R)
      • Now falls 0.25 seconds faster
  • Yasuo
    • Base stats
      • Health – 490 >>> 520

    • Last Breath (R)
      • Cooldown – 80-30 >>> 70-30
  • Yone
    • Fate Sealed (R)
      • Cooldown 120-80 >>> 120-60
  • Wukong
    • Crushing Blow (Q)
      • Cooldown 9-7 >>> 8-6
    • Warrior Trickster (W)
      • Cooldown 20-16 >>> 20-12 (can now go over walls)
    • Nimbus Strike (E)
      • Monster Modified Damage 150% >>> 180%
      • AP Ratio 80% >>> 100%
  • Neeko
    • Shapesplitter (W)
      • Damage 50-130 >>> 50-170
      • Movement Speed 10-30% >>> 10-40%
  • Gangplank
    • Trial by Fire (P)
      • Damage 55-225 >>> 55-310
    • Remove Scurvy (W)
      • Mana Cost 80-120 >>> 60-100
  • Kalista
    • Base stats
      • Base Mana – 250 >>> 300

      • Base Movement Speed – 325 >>> 330

      • Attack Speed/Level – 4 >>> 4.5

  • Lillia
    • Dream-Laden Bough (P)
      • Healing Ratio 12% AP >>> 20% AP
    • Watch Out! Eep! (W)
      • Damage 70-150 >>> 80-160
  • Karthus
    • Lay Waste (Q)
      • Monster Modifier 85% >>> 95%

Champions’ nerfs

  • Zeri
    • Base stats
      • Attack speed .568 >>> .598.
    • Burstfire (Q):
      • Active damage changed from [10/15/20/25/30 + 110% AD] to [6/7/8/9/10 + 110 / 112.5 / 115 / 117.5 / 120% AD].
    • Ultrashock Laser (W):
      • Damage lowered from [40/75/110/145/180 (+ 100% AD) (60% AP)] to [10/45/80/115/150 (+ 120% AD) (+ 70% AP)
    • Spark Surge (E):
      • [New] “If Burst Fire critically hits, it reduces the cooldown additionally.”
    • Lightning Crash (R):
      • [New] “If Burst Fire critically hits, adds an extra stack Overcharge.”
      • [Changed] Lightning can critically strike but does not apply on-hit effects.
  • Ryze
    • Overload (Q)
      • Mana Ratio 3% Bonus >>> 2% Bonus
      • AP Ratio 45% >>> 50%
  • Lee Sin
    • Base stats
      • AD – 68 >>> 66
    • Sonic Wave (Q)
      • Q1/Q2 Damage – 55-155 >>> 50-150

  • Jayce
    • Base stats
      • Health – 560 >>> 520
      • Health/Level – 90 >>> 95
      • Armor – 27 >>> 22
      • Armor/Level – 3.5 >>> 3.8

Champions’ adjusements

  • Rengar
    • Savagery (Q)
      • Bonus Damage Reduced By 40% Against Structures
    • Battle Roar (W)
      • Bonus Monster Damage 65-130 >>> 85-150

System buffs

  • Umbral Glaive
    • Cost – 2400 >>> 2300

    • Cooldown – 45 Seconds >>> 35 Seconds

  • Abyssal Mask
    • Max Magic Resist Shred – 20 >>> 25

    • Shred Ratio – 1% Bonus Health >>> 1.2% Bonus Health

System nerfs

  • Winter’s Approach/Fimbulwinter
    • Cost – 2600 >>> 2700

    • Health – 400 >>> 350

  • Moonstone Renewer
    • Heal/Shield power Per Stack – 7% (Max 35%) >>> 6% (Max 30%)

  • Galeforce
    • Cooldown – 90 Seconds >>> 110 Seconds

System changes

  • Time Warp Tonic
    • Instant Potion Restore – 50% >>> 30%

    • Bonus Movement Speed – 5% >>> 4%