“Apologize and call yourself sh*t or I will int the game” – Mentality unheard of in other games in LoL

League of Legends

Playing LoL takes nerves of steel, and here is another strange example.

There are really abstract situations in LoL. Many of them are caused by the fact that LoL is a team game – although we are able to carry and have a big impact on the game ourselves, it is practically impossible to win a match without the support of the team or with AFK player.

Some people know it all too well. One of the players taking advantage of this started to blackmail his ally. He told him to call himself ‘sh*t’ or he would troll the entire game.

A sacrifice worth a few LPs

In low divisions, few people recognize other players they met during matches. The phenomenon of recognizing players becomes more frequent the higher we are. Therefore, above Diamond 2 and Master, most people usually know each other and often have already formed an opinion after one match.

There are even situations when a given player, after an exceptionally unsuccessful match, goes to the “int list”, that is, a list of people who should be destroyed as part of punishing them for losing an earlier match, toxicity, or throwing a game. Interestingly, this is how Tyler1 himself acted a few years ago when he was known to be toxic.

Now he experienced this phenomenon again in ranked play. Jungler on his team decided to talk to the ADC before picking the character and gave him an ultimatum. He has to apologize to him and call himself sh*t, or he will choose a hero with which the team won’t win.



Barlo took Tyler’s advice and did apologize to Nidalee. Ultimately, this dedication resulted in earning League Points. Was it enough for ikigai to forgive the ally? No, the match ended as it started and the player was insulted. In addition, Tyler himself added fuel to the fire, who said that he should never pick Varus in a game with him again.

Probably many people wonder what Nidalee is all about and what is the reason for this behavior. While we don’t know what happened in the game and in the chat, the two players met a week earlier and lost together.

Although this is a breach of the rules not only due to inappropriate behavior, it also involves “hostage-taking” and can be reported in the game client. However, the truth is that the developers do not pay much attention to it, and although the system has been around for a long time, it has not been publicly noted anywhere that someone actually got a ban for it.

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