LoL players have figured out a way to troll when selecting champions. Should Riot introduce this?
The League of Legends community is fed up with trolls that destroy the game with character selection. What can Riot do about it?
The creators of LoL have been struggling for years with people who love to piss others off and destroy the experience. These types of people are called trolls, and their appearance in a match does not bode well for anything good. Toxic people can troll in many ways – they deliberately give kills, run under opponents’ towers, or dance in the base for half a match. The main goal of such people is to piss off their teammates, cause arguments in chat and destroy the game for someone.
Fighting trolls is really hard. League of Legends is a free game, and thus – after getting banned, it is very easy to create a new account and destroy other games again.
Not all trolls appear only after the game starts. Sometimes you can already see them in champion select, i.e. during the selection of heroes. Some will admit that they will feed. Others will not write anything, but choose nonsensical summoner spells and a character that instantly shows what the player will do. And here comes a serious problem. The rest of the players have to choose – stay in the lobby and struggle with the troll in the team, or go out and lose time and LP?
Trolls in champion select
A while ago, an article appeared that describes the general problem of trolling in League of Legends. Many players admitted that trolls are the most disruptive group in the entire community. They are difficult to fight, and getting even one of them in a match is practically a 100% failure. One of the players then wrote:
Głównym problemem w Lidze jest to, że trolle mają największy wpływ na przebieg meczu ze wszystkich grup graczy. To zawsze osoba, która trolluje, ma największą siłę sprawczą.
Więcej wypowiedzi o trollach na Summoner’s Rift można poczytać tutaj: Według wielu osób ten aspekt gry jest obecnie największym problemem w League of Legends.
Temat trollowania powrócił, jednak tym razem przyglądano mu się pod kątem champion select. Jeden z fanów LoLa stwierdził, ze Riot powinien coś z tym zrobić i pozwolić graczom opuścić lobby, w którym pojawi się trollująca osoba.
Riot Games need to punish trolls in champion select
I enter champ select and someone decide to troll and have us in a hostage situation. We have report buttons but we are forced to dodge. I’m not talking about off-meta picks, but troll picks with the intention of loosing the game on purpose. These people are picking something random and all they want is to lose us the game.
- ALSO – When you show LoL to a new person and explain that you have to be positive. It’s hard not to laugh
Why doesn’t exist a quit button just like surrender and we have votes? By dodging, we are forced to loose lp and have 5min wait to queue up again.
According to some, it would be a good option to create a voting option – if the majority of the team clicked yes, champion selection would be stopped.
Why didn’t Riot introduce something like this?
Perhaps at first, the idea seems even good, but after a moment’s reflection, you can see that it has a lot of flaws. Commentators noted that such a system could be abused frequently and as a result players would lose even more time.
Because anyone who plays anything slightly off meta would never be able to play the game.
People groan all the time when I pick Seraphine APC, despite having a great winrate on her and her being a viable pick bot. If they had the chance to do that then i’d never find a game.
Fighting trolls is difficult, and can do a lot of damage if you introduce ill-considered systems. LoL players (as well as other games) are able to use the introduced rules in a great way and stretch them to the limit. A poor anti-trolling system would make innocent people waste their time and those who want to spoil games, not so much.