When you show LoL to a new person and explain that you have to be positive. It’s hard not to laugh

Playing LoL requires steel nerves, but being even the most positive person in the world does not always work, and even works very rarely.
Every LoL player can imagine showing Riot production to his buddy. As one streamer explained:
Your goal is not to win. Your goal is to minimize things going wrong.
If you were to give one or two things that might help, it would probably be silencing all players right off the bat or being positive from the start of the match.
Classic LoL experience
That’s exactly what the streamer “DisguisedToast” explained. The short clip is a perfect summary of LoL. It’s worth seeing until the end because it’s genuinely hard not to laugh. Streamer explains that positive behavior is essential – you know, you have to encourage the team, raise morale, etc. Therefore, at the start he wrote in the chat:
A warm welcome, nothing wrong. But it’s still League of Legends, so you might know what the answers were:

He told me to kill myself.
LoL is the art of keeping calm, but on the other hand, exaggerated positivity can also upset. Especially if it involves explaining mistakes to others, even though it is done in good faith and with a good attitude.
Wishing everyone a good game, however, is not particularly irritating. It certainly doesn’t deserve the classic “kys”.