The most rewarding Ashe’s ‘W’ in LoL you’ll see today. It’s nice to look at

One player shared a video of Ashe in a perfect situation.
Virtually every League of Legends player enjoys making spectacular plays. Not only to show them off on the Internet but simply for their own satisfaction. Getting a triple, quadra or penta is always a joy. It is true that it evokes slightly different emotions when it happens in a mode or ARAM, but it is safe to assume that hardly anyone would miss the opportunity in which you can finish off a group of opponents.
Some pentakills are really demanding. The players try their best, barely survive, and at the end, they chase the fifth victim, and in the last seconds, they get the fifth kill. Other times it’s the case of using your ultimate at the right time. Surely everyone knows ARAMs, during which AP Malphite got into a group of enemies and easily killed the opposing team.
It also happens that the pentakill is obtained extremely easily and smoothly. It would seem that the player does it without much thought, he just uses one of the skills that just hits the enemies perfectly. It was like that this time.
Ashe pentakill on ARAM
One of the players – kachowd – shared a short video with the community that shows a certain game on the Howling Abyss map. The author of the video called it “The most disgusting volley I have ever hit”.
As you know, the volley is the name of one of Ashe’s skills, specifically her W. Virtually everyone knows this skill and the fact that it can be terribly irritating, especially during ARAMs. That’s where a lot of people decide to build specific spam builds for W. The cone, in which the arrows are flying, is large, so it’s quite easy to hit at least one enemy, and all hit people are additionally slowed down, so they are an easy target.
During the whole action, the player has never damaged the opponents. At one point their HP was so low that it was enough to finish them off. Apparently, the enemies underestimated Ashe’s strength and positioned themselves so that she could easily hit them with a single volley.

It is true that the penta was not won with a single skill, but the triple is also incredibly satisfying, and probably every Ashe’s main likes to see such games.