
The ping system in Fortnite will undergo major changes. Leakers reveal Epic’s plans

Leakers announce Epic’s plans for pinging. This one is going to undergo a lot of changes.

Epic has been really trying to listen to its community lately, or at least players feel so. Gamers have repeatedly suggested that Epic expand the ping system, which is currently happening. Leakers confirm that Epic has plans to properly develop pings.

What will change? The way to ping is unlikely to be affected. This one works quite well, so Epic is unlikely to improve it. Only new pings will be released.

What new pings will be in the game?

IFireMonkey shared the full list. Leaker revealed that more basic pings are to be expected. Potentially, it’s all about the upcoming 40vs40 mode with no building. The pings mentioned in the leak are:

The release date is unknown, but it can be suspected that the developers will be targeting the release period of the 40vs40 game mode here. Of course, this is a guess and it might as well be activated tomorrow or only on the occasion of the 4th season.