
New official trailers for upcoming event for Fortnite at the end of Chapter 3

Epic has added new very short previews of the upcoming event. This is a sort of reminder that there will be something like this going on at all.

Although leakers are writing about these as teasers, there are unlikely to be any hidden messages here. Developers often add some sort of tidbit to their trailers, especially graphic ones. Here there seems to be nothing of the sort.

It’s simply two graphics with text to announce an upcoming live event. The date appears there, and Epic uses one of the characters from the Fortnite world for the announcement.

Previews of the upcoming event

The trailers are in the same atmosphere. There’s nothing to look for here, at least it seems that way. First announcement:

And the second exactly in the same vein, it’s interesting that Epic is using just these characters for this, although it’s completely unclear if this means anything.

Apparently, there are announcements, but actually, it’s the same as if there were none.