
How do Minecraft players make fun of Fortnite players? They tease them saying that Epic’s production is dying

Minecraft players are very clearly starting to simply taunt people playing Fortnite online.

Fortnite suffers from being boring, as always before the new season. There’s no denying here that Epic’s production is currently in a rather average position. However, this is the case every season – especially for those few days before an event or the end of the season.

The new 4th season starts in two weeks. This is the worst of times for Fortnite. Communities of other games see this and are making fun of the game. This is especially evident among those playing Minecraft.

Minecraft vs Fortnite

This is mainly because Fortnite players in general have often made fun of Minecraft. Recently, this has intensified because Mojang has been making really poor decisions. And so Minecraft is now paying back.

This can be seen as much on Twitter as on Reddit, Youtube, or Twitch. What’s sad is that the responses are unlikely to defend Fortnite; if anything, they attack both productions equally.

Minecraft has a huge problem with its report system – lots of people complain about it, many get banned. Meanwhile, Fortnite has been relying mostly on co-op lately. Both games simply lose popularity, only to bounce back later. It’s been like this for years.