
Tyler1’s viewers each have 14 commercials per stream. xQc doesn’t stop laughing when he sees it…

Tyler1 viewers complain about a large amount of advertisements. xQc couldn’t stop laughing.

Tyler1 is one of the most colorful characters in the League of Legends world. His viewers know it very well, having a great time during the live broadcast.

However, there are some small issues like the mass of advertisements that some people complain about. This time, one of the people in the chat decided to write some funny messages while watching the 14 products recommended to him. Tyler read them, which was liked by another streamer – xQc.

Ads on Tyler1 stream and xQc

As one of the biggest streamers on Twitch, xQc frequently responds to clips sent to him by viewers. This time he found the one on Tyler’s channel and he couldn’t stop laughing. He was amused when the LoL legend reads messages from one of the viewers about ads.


Reading this, not only Tyler was giggling, but xQc as well. The reactions also show that the chat also had a hard time holding back from tears and everyone had a great time together.