
Twitch streamer’s mishap with a swimsuit that was too small. It was a matter of time

This is one of those standard slip-ups that ended in a temporary suspension but did not have any great impact on popularity.

Basenowe streamerki często zaliczają tego typu wpadki. Praktycznie codziennie kilka osób pokazuje niby przypadkiem, niby specjalnie swoje s*tki. W części przypadków jest to oczywiście robione pod publikę, innym razem trudno tego zwyczajnie uniknąć.

Pool streamers often score such slip-ups. Practically every day several people show seemingly accidentally, seemingly on purpose their nipp*es. In some cases, of course, this is done for the public, other times it is difficult to simply avoid it.

A mishap during the stream

One streamer was banned for a clip that was simply to be expected. It’s a classic linking of elbows. The streamer asked not to clip it, but people naturally didn’t listen.

Of course, Exrode is Exrode, so the link to check the whole thing is here – CLICK. The ban could have been imposed for the situations that took place there, namely doing squats. The link – CLICK

Streamers do it, of course, for popularity’s sake. This kind of thing always goes viral, and the consequences are usually minor. Ban for 1-3 days, possibly until an appeal is filed.