
The streamer did it during the broadcast. She was sure she had circumvented the regulations

One of the streamers was doing something strange. She quickly drew attention to herself, and it’s hardly surprising.

Nowadays you can find really strange content on Twitch or Kick. Sure, everyone in some way wants to stand out, to appear in the crowd of everyone else. Sometimes this leads to funny situations, such as being a plant:


Some are going even further in their search for viewers

One streamer seems to have decided that Kick is the right platform on which to do everything. Theoretically, everything here is done according to the regulations, but only theoretically.


According to the regulations, it’s ok in theory. Unfortunately, despite the fact that Kick allows more, everyone knew perfectly well what was at stake here. In addition, there is also the issue of the costume itself, which was inappropriate. Of course, it would be different if there was a pool somewhere in the background – then seemingly everything is ok.


A strange situation, so much so that it ended in the temporary blocking of the channel. A lot of things get away with on Klick, but this time it was clearly an exaggeration. People are just laughing at these increasingly elaborate price tags, which look more and more grotesque with every single stream and are starting to resemble other platforms.