
Some habits you can’t stop. The streamer girl got a little forgetful

One popular streamer hosted a special broadcast where she went a little overboard a few times.

Mishaps are one thing, but funny situations with some behavior, even “out of habit” is another. One rather popular streamer was banned, but it’s hard to say whether for her outfit or her gestures.

After all, some may have been too suggestive. Fortunately, the stream was running on two platforms simultaneously, so it’s easy to see what the issue was. One clip, in particular, became popular, and it’s easy to see why.

The streamer woman went a bit oblivious

The streamer wore an outfit that was already borderline TTV regulations in itself. While performing her dance, she makes a gesture with her tongue at exactly the 17th second, only to realize in a moment that she probably overdid it a bit.


However, she then repeats the same thing. Well, it may have been worth it, but at this point, she is left with Kick alone. It came out quite funny, because the girl seemed to have figured it out at one point, and then concluded that the facade was over. Other clips from her are equally “risky”.


Until a few months ago, something like this on Twitch would probably have paid off in terms of audience. Today, too many girls are trying their hand at it, pushing the boundary further and further. As a result, there are virtually daily bans for this type of behavior.


Many of these streamers have no boundaries because they show up whole in services like OF anyway.