Facebook and its new name now official. What is it and why “Meta”?

The rumors that had been circulating for several weeks have been confirmed. Facebook officially changes its name.
For several weeks now, there was a rumor that Facebook was to change its name. Today it is known that this has been confirmed. It is worth noting, however, that all social services offered by the brand will remain unchanged, but will be bundled together with a new brand called “Meta”.
In short, you will still log in to Facebook, nothing will change about it, and the whole thing as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook will be called “Meta”.
Why did Mark Zuckerberg and the company make this decision?
Serwis społecznościowy nadal będzie nazywał się Facebook, podobnie zresztą jak Whatsapp i Instagram. Ruch ten bardzo przypomina krok, który pewien czas temu podjął Google. Firma pozostawiła nazwy wszystkich swoich usług, lecz spięła je brandem “Alphabet”.
The name of the social network will continue to be Facebook, as will Whatsapp and Instagram. This move is very similar to a step that Google took some time ago. The company left the names of all its services but branded them with themselves “Alphabet”.
It is also possible that in the near future Facebook will undertake larger projects on a global scale, therefore the new brand turned out to be useful.