Discord will increase upload size for “free” users without Nitro


Leakers have reached the information about a planned increase in the limit for uploading files.

Files on the network are getting bigger and bigger, as Discord is well aware. That’s why there will soon be an option to send slightly larger things than before. Importantly, this is all about free users, i.e. those without Nitro status.

Unfortunately, it is not known when this change will take place, but it is probably not a matter of a few months, but rather a few weeks. Of course, this information should be treated unofficially for now.

Increased limit on Discord

According to one Reddit user with the nickname “bruhusernamessuck,” Discord will soon increase the limit to 25 MB. This is not a size that will turn the world upside down, but it’ll surely make many people happy.

More and more conversations are already being held on Discord, but restrictions on sending larger files mean that Messenger, for example, is still used for such things. That may soon change, as 25 MB is already a pretty decent number. Of course, it can’t compare to the 500 MB that Nitro offers.

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