While playing Cyberpunk 2077, have you ever had the idea to shoot that holograph?

CDPR has thought of a lot of things, some of them certainly served a purpose, but today they are rather useless.
CDPR created many interesting, non-obvious mechanics in Cyberpunk 2077, which were definitely supposed to serve some purpose. In many cases, unfortunately, it turns out that the players do not even know about them, because they do not make sense.
This is the case, for example, with “holographic TV”, which does not explode when shot at it, but instead behaves like a flash-bang. Potentially, it was supposed to be used to blind enemies.
It was planned
In many cases, something may appear to be a bug, but it is not. For example, hardly anyone came up with the idea of shooting this hologram – because why would they. Lots of people hacked it, but shoot it?
And yet, we should do so, because everything turns white and, in theory, blinds everyone around. The problem is that it doesn’t make much sense at the moment.

This is one example of a thing that had potential, was developed, and was finally released. Except that as of today it has no practical use.