
When, after dozens of hours in Cyberpunk 2077, you finally find an open door…

Cyberpunk ma całą masę różnych drzwi i ukrytych pomieszczeń. Ich znalezienie bywa jednak bardzo trudne.

Everyone knows Cyberpunk has a lot of hidden rooms. Many of them cannot be entered even though they are fully finished. Some of them are really strange, such as the room in which there is somebody lying on the bed, inviting our character.

The community is looking for hidden rooms all the time, sometimes out of boredom, and sometimes to actually find something. Sometimes, however, the euphoria is premature.

When someone finally does it

Most of the doors are locked, but you can find open ones as well. This was shown, among others, by a Reddit user with the nickname “Insatiate__Ire”, who writes:

“Finally I found a door that is unlocked. And then complete disappointment.”


Where does this disappointment come from? As you can see, it’s just a walk from one street to the other. There is nothing hidden there, no bonus, not even in the form of any item – which is a pity, you could easily put something there that cannot be obtained so easily.