
CDPR employee was emotional on stream, talking about Cyberpunk 2077 and its fateful launch

During one of the streams, Pawel Sasko spoke quite emotionally about the release of Cyberpunk 2077.

After months of fixes, updates, changes, Cyberpunk 2077 has become what it should have been at launch. It’s still not perfect, but now it actually feels like the developers have done everything they can to repair its reputation.

Cyberpunk is currently providing players with a mass of great experiences. The game is breaking its popularity records, and Night City is being visited by more and more people every day. The final peak in the last 30 days is 136,000 people on one day alone.

CDPR emotional on stream

Paweł Sasko, one of the most important people when it comes to communicating with players in CDPR, spoke quite emotionally about the current situation during his stream. The moment was captured by “pablo397”:


6, 7, 8 years is indeed a mass of time. The release of Cyberpunk 2077 definitely did not go the developers’ way, while today everyone is aware of the mistakes made. It’s certainly a pity that they didn’t wait a year more, since the work had been going on for many years. Nothing much would probably have happened, and people would have actually gotten what everyone was waiting for.