CDPR answers why there are no car dealerships in Cyberpunk 2077. Will it change?

In Cyberpunk, cars are sold by Fixers, but it didn’t have to be that way.
During one of the CDPR streams, players could find out why there are no car dealerships in Night City. It turns out that the developers were actively thinking about it, but came to the conclusion that the story and gameplay will not get well together because of this.
This does not mean, however, that there will never be such salons. Their creation, however, requires a lot of work, creating different showrooms for different brands, which could be troublesome and, above all, very time-consuming.
Car showrooms in Cyberpunk 2077
Paweł Saśko confirmed that CDPR thought a lot about car dealerships. Ultimately, however, the developers came to the conclusion that they could take too much time, clash with the plot and at the same time “flood” the city.

Will salons ever come to the game? At this stage, the chances of this feature appearing are rather slim. Unless, as part of the expansion, a brand will appear that wants to conquer Night City with its own salon. Then who knows – at the moment, you should probably not expect such showrooms for all vehicles to appear.