
One simple CSGO flash that can do a lot. It’s worth learning it

CSGO players rarely use this flash, and it is really simple and very effective.

One of the members of the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community posted a video on Reddit showing one of his actions. On the video, you can see how he quickly eliminates 4 of his opponents on Inferno, who happened to be attacking BS B. The whole situation would probably not have been successful if it were not for one effective flash grenade, which is worth learning.

How does this flash work and when to use it?

As you can see in the video below – this flash grenade is really easy to perform, and it can bring you some satisfactory results. Its secret is not the right throwing angle or accuracy, but most of all the moment at which the player throws it. Flash should be thrown at the perfect time, when opponents are attacking the BS aggressively. They are blinded and then eliminated by the player defending the BS.


Flash itself is not very spectacular, but simple and effective grenades are what players need, especially those who play at lower skill levels.