How has the CSGO menu changed from the very beginning? Only real “OG” players will remember

Counter Strike

CS: GO was released in 2012, while most players joined the community much later.

There are relatively few people who have played CS: GO from the very beginning. Of course, there are people in the community who still remember CS 1.6, but today they are in a minority. Most players declare that they started playing Valve’s production sometime around 2016-2018.

Therefore, hardly anyone remembers what CS: GO looked like at the beginning – and it was not very beautiful. In 2012, everything was very simple, but also incredibly transparent.

How has the CS: GO menu changed?

In fact, the first menu was available before the official premiere. It is shown by “GOCASES_APP”.

The first change came next year, it is this menu that will be known by most players.

A year later, another menu, still kept in a typical blue atmosphere:

The last change took place in 2018 and this is what CS: GO looks like today. The version from 2013 lasted the longest in history, it was present in the game for 5 years.

Today it’s not expected that the developers will update the menu, but who knows – after all, rumors are about a complete rebuild of the entire CS.

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