CSGO: The Fnatic player only realized in the morning how stupid he was. He got rid of the tattoo he had made with a dish cloth

Counter Strike

One of the professional players confirmed the “rumor” that appeared on the web some time ago.

Krimz, a professional CS: GO player who represents Fnatic at the moment, admitted in an interview that he got a tattoo while drunk. It wasn’t a big deal, because it was about the first letter of his name.

Gracz jednak uznał, że taki tatuaż do niego nie pasuje, nie podoba mu się i musi coś z tym zrobić. Usuwanie tatuażu nie jest niczym wyjątkowym, ale Krimz chciał się go pozbyć tu i teraz. Użył więc druciaka kuchennego.

Painful tattoo removal

Anyone can imagine how painful this experience must have been – getting rid of the skin and a tattoo with a wire cloth “used to clean the sink”. As the player says, the tattoo is still a little visible, but you have to really look hard to see it.


Quite surprising, because it wasn’t some stupid tattoo, but just one letter. Perhaps the tattoo was badly done.

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