Steam gives money back for Battlefield 2042. The number of players is plummeting
This is one of the few such situations in history where Steam breaks its own policy. Players get a refund for Battlefield 2042.
Almost immediately after the premiere of Battlefield 2042, the first problems with this title began to appear. The lack of essential functions, numerous bugs that often take away the fun of the game, and the helplessness of developers made the community really dissatisfied.
As a result, players return to older productions, and Steam returns money to all users who wish to get their money back.
Virtually anyone can get a refund for BF 2042
Steam developers have noticed what happens around Battlefield 2042. For this reason, they decided to allow all users to apply for a refund for the purchased game, even if it was purchased earlier than in the last 14 days and has more than 2 hours of gameplay.
This is a bending of the policies pursued by Steam, but it is not really surprising. Battlefield 2042 collects a lot of terrible opinions. It’s also a good PR step:
It’s hard to say how long Steam will give money back for Battlefield 2042. So if you’ve purchased this title and aren’t satisfied with it, it’s worth getting through your refund decision quickly, before the opportunity passes by.