Legend has it that this Battlefield player is still standing there and teabaggs his opponent


Some things in Battlefield don’t change, no matter what the state of the game is.

Battlefield itself is currently undergoing a very big crisis, which strongly affects the number of players, but also their behavior. Some are clearly irritated with the state of BF 2042 itself at the moment.

Hence, aggressive statements, writing to specific people, or simply calling them names. On the other hand, not everything can be explained with the state of the game itself, because teabagging is and has been present in the Battlefield series from the very beginning. Actually, BF even shows statistics on this “phenomenon”:

When someone got really under your skin

One of the players shared a rather strange behavior of the opponent, who, although he did not eliminate anyone, was definitely pissed off at the recording player. Unfortunately, the context of this very long teabagging is unknown.

The players themselves laugh that the guy is probably still standing there and continues to teabag the opponent he did not eliminate.


One can only wonder what happened there before. Unfortunately, we will probably never find out.

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