The Sims 4 Wedding Stories will delay its release for a few days. The reason is Russia again

The Sims 4

The premiere of the latest game pack has been officially delayed by less than a week.

Yesterday, on February 16, 2022, employees working on The Sims 4 informed the community that the premiere of Wedding Stories will not take place today, on February 17, but only next week.

Although many people may find this sad news, the situation seems very positive for the Russian Simmomaniac community. Why?

Wedding Stories not until next week, but all over the world

A few days ago the information that the latest gameplay pack cannot be released in Russia appeared on the Internet. The main reason was to be the ban that is introduced in this country and the views it expresses.

Yesterday it turned out that the developers managed to reach an agreement and the premiere of Wedding Stories will also take place in Russia. This means that the latest DLC will be available for purchase all over the world, and the only downside to this will be quite a long release delay. The developers for this reason have published an official statement.

Last week, we shared the below update about our upcoming game pack “My Wedding Stories.” At the time, we believed that our team could not freely share the storytelling of same-sex couple Cam and Dom in Russia and decided the best way to uphold our commitment to sharing their story was to not release this pack there.

Since then, we’ve been listening to the outpouring of feelings from our community including both support for our decision and concern for their fellow community members. It’s equally important for us to stand by our values, including standing against homophobia, and to share stories like this with those who want and need it most.

With this in mind, we’ve reassessed our options and realized we can do more than we initially believed and we will now release The Sims 4 “My Wedding Stories” Game Pack to our community in Russia, unaltered and unchanged, featuring Dom and Cam.

We want the entire Sims community to be able to celebrate together, so we’re pushing the global release of “My Wedding Stories” to February 23 – including in Russia.

Love is love, and The Sims community will continue to be a safe space for those who want to see a world where that is true for everyone. We are thankful for the support of our team and our values even when it is hard. Thank you for being a part of The Sims.

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